JoJo – Senior Portraits

Congratulations to this handsome senior! He’s got a mega-watt smile that is going to take him places. It was raining for a week straight but we managed to shoot on the one day during the one hour that the sun came out and the clouds parted. It was meant to be (cue the heavenly music…).

Eli – Baptism Portraits

I’ve had the privilege of photographing this cute boy for a few years and I can’t believe he is old enough to be baptized. Congratulations, Eli!

The Knight Family

I had a blast with the Knight family! The weather and scenery were gorgeous and the kiddos were so good-natured and fun to tease. An enjoyable evening all around.

Ethan Roberts – High School Senior Portraits

The love between this guy and his car, Vader, is deep and ever-flowing.  Gotta give the car the attention it deserves!  Ethan is a crack up and was so much fun to work with. Congratulations on your upcoming graduation, Ethan!



And just to keep it real…a few outtakes, which are probably my favorite.  Move over, Zoolander!